Saturday, 31 December 2011


Well it's New Years Eve and one of my resolutions will be to ensure I keep this Blog updated! Things have been quiet painting wise because the children have been off school and it's impossible to get down to any serious painting when they're around. Having said that I've managed to do a few hours a night of drawing when they're in bed. I'm working my way through the 'Charles Bargue' drawing course, which is a lovely thick book full of brilliant drawings. It takes you through increasingly complicated drawings until in theory you are ready to move onto life drawing.

One of my bogey's has always been drawing hands and feet, they never looked right. But this books shows you how to break things down into simple angles. If you can get the big shapes correct, the smaller ones just slot in.

One of the habits I got into last year was keeping a small sketchbook and pen with me all the time to try and sketch at any opportunity. It's really interesting to look back over the year and see how my drawing has improved. I love working in pen because it gives you the freedom of not worrying about any mistakes - They can't be rubbed out! It's a way of keeping a visual diary and is something I wouldn't be without now - It's become a habit.

Lovell House Nativity

Anyway, just would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year.

Best wishes

Hannah x