Saturday, 18 June 2011

Sketchbook notes

Over the last year I have gradually increased my use of sketchbooks. Not only for sketching but also for planning paintings and trying out value studies. I use the Moleskin books which come in a range of sizes and the smallest pocket book is great for keeping in my handbag and sketching whilst waiting for the children to come out of school.

Here are some pages from my sketchbooks:

Master Drawings taken from numerous books I have on painting and drawing. I'm trying to re-create their drawings and learn how it was done.

SEA workshop on the 21st May 2011 - Quick pen sketches

Numerous small value (Notan) sketches to try and determine good abstract design for paintings

School run sketches! - Quick 2-5 min pen and ink sketches in my pocket sketchbook

Sketch done out on Barn Hill on Dartmoor. Pen and ink with washes.

None of the sketches are master pieces and some of them are pretty poor. But it's all good practise and it's lovely to look back over the books and the memories they evoke.