Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Galloping Horses

Have just finished my last entry for the SEA (Society of Equestrian Artists) exhibition at the Mall Galleries. Not sure whether this one will be classified as equestrian related or not, but will keep my fingers crossed!

I did get quite carried away with the thick paint and lovely bright colours. You don't normally get to paint such bright yellows and reds in the landscape.

On Saturday I attended a SEA workshop at a lovely stud farm near Nottingham called 'Sir Nunn's of Pinewood stud'. Our tutor was Malcolm Coward who is a brilliant horse artist and the weather was lovely. The horses were gorgeous although my painting of them was pretty dire! So I've included a photo instead!

The only painting I did come home with which was ok was a little study of some trees.

For the next couple of weeks I need to concentrate on my monthly assignment from Kevin Macpherson (one of my mentors). We're working on keeping our shadow and light family separate and have six new paintings to produce before the 15th June.

Best wishes

Hannah x

Sunday, 15 May 2011

Three New paintings

When I started drawing and painting I always strove for hyper realism and people would often comment that they thought my paintings were actually photos. But as time has gone on I've moved further away from that and would describe myself as more of an impressionist. When I paint now I often completely forget the subject and just try to paint each colour in it's correct place. With this method you should end up with an easily recognisable painting of your subject without having given any thought to what it is you're actually trying to paint.

Blue Anchor Beach

6 x 8 inch

Al Fresco Dining, Minehead

8 x 10 inch

Overlooking Minehead from North Hill
6 x 8 inch

The painting above of Minehead was a good example. It's a really complicated subject and to start with I was trying to paint houses rather than colours. It was incredibly frustrating and the painting was terrible. Anyway, I was just about to chuck it in the bin when I started to forget the houses and just paint colour notes. As soon as I could get myself in that frame of mind everything started to look better and become much more 'real'. Kevin Macpherson is a good advocate of this painting method and his books 'Fill your oil paintings with light and color' and 'landscape painting inside & out' describe it in some detail.

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Minehead Beach

This little one was done on a glorious day on Minehead beach. It was really hot and hazy looking out over towards the harbour and North hill.

Monday, 2 May 2011

West Street Beach, Watchet

Just a quick one because want to go and make the most of the lovely sunshine. I've been trying to finish off some paintings for an exhibition later in the year but have been getting a bit bogged down in them so decided to have a go at a small 6 x 8 inch painting instead.

It's of West Street Beach in Watchet, Somerset. It was gorgeous with the sun reflecting off the water and a few people wandering up the beach.

Didn't want to do much detail, just tried to get the right colour notes in the right places!

Hannah x